Revolutionize coaching in the workplace

For long, coaching in the workplace has been a preserve of the executives and C-Suite. It is for this reason that Executive Coaching seems the greatest form of coaching in the workplace. However, with the clear benefits that coaching accords, and the younger people asking for coaching, Imagine Me Africa has chosen to change the narrative and work at ensuring that everyone who needs coaching in the workplace, receives it.
How is this possible?
Workplace Coach Certification.
In January 2025, we embarked on our inaugural Workplace Coach Training Programme where we saw 25 participants enrol.
Our mission for the Workplace Coach Training Programme is to empower leaders and managers to have strengthened and better relationships with gold standard coaching skills and abilities that enable them create an environment where employees maximize their full potential in the workplace, allowing leaders to serve with authenticity.
This programme ensures an organisation has Champions in the workplace whose focus is to support the establishment of a coaching culture that is fully aligned to an organisation’s DNA.

Our Methodology
We employ a robust and comprehensive transformative coach training methodology that empowers leaders to introspect and consider how they show up, fully equipping them with coaching skills that enable them see their followers as equal partners called to serve their organisations, aligning with their organisational vision and mission. This programme empowers leaders to show up as coaches, embodying professional coaching competencies.
We truly believe that every individual is on earth with a special assignment and leaders play a special role in creating an enabling environment that allows employees to discover and fully explore their potential. We are also convicted that leaders and managers should play a crucial role of being facilitators of the creative resources deposited on the inside of employees, believeing that when done correctly, we shall have thriving workplaces.
Contact hours
The Workplace Coach is designed as a 70-hour training programme that blends the world of leadership and coaching. We use a case-study approach whose focus is real workplace challenges that participants bring into the training space. We believe that the more participants interface with workplace challenges, the better they will enhance their workplace coaching vocabulary.
Are you ready to become a better coach?
Get in touch
Contact Info
- Sonde, Namugongo
- +256 (772) 460 976